Monday, April 2, 2018

What's been going on around here lately. How 'bout in your world?

My friend Dan, an inventive amateur photographer, as well as successful industrial designer, sent this pic from a recent road trip through the heartland.  Check the St. Louis Arch across the Mississippi, contrasted with signs, lots of complementary vertical lines and images.  Rock on, Dan!

This one is a hoot.  Our dear friend owns a couple of exquisite chocolate Labs. The pups play an integral role in the branding of the Tangletown store, Foundry Home Goods. The younger lab, "Turnip" by name, celebrated her first birthday last week.  A new dress, decorated cake, and admiring friends and customers piled into the store, made this doggy b'day an experience to remember. My wife took this pic - perfecto

Once upon a time there was the Panama Canal Zone.  And in the Zone lived Americans, mostly, including me and my family. I was a junior officer in the U.S. Air Force then, and my car -- a 1967 Volvo 122S wagon -- traveled from the States with me to my duty station in the Zone. When I rotated back home the car came with me. But the plate was removed when I registered the Volvo in New York state, where we lived next.  

Very cool retail wall art adorns the side of a commercial building on Hennepin Avenue at Calhoun Square, in Uptown Minneapolis.  The work is signed in white, but I was mesmerized by the climber, and can't remember the artist's name. 

Right next to the climber a model for Sephora caught my attention, and it's not hard to see why.  Just look at her smile, the wink in her right eye, plus unique dress.  Oh, then there's the hair-do ... rather, the no-hair-do.  Gutsy and memorable.  If my foto had been any better you'd be able to see the freckles on the model's face.  Gorgeous. 

The Minnesota winter moon sets in the west, much too early last week.  I turned on the kitchen light when I came down stairs to start the morning coffee.   I sort of like this shot and hope you appreciate it as well.

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