Arkansas native Jackie Brian is a skilled and winning time trial racer (shown here in competition in Monroe, LA) and regularly averages 25.3+ MPH in his events. He's young and strong and extremely determined ..... and as I write this, Jackie is here in Wickenburg for a week of training. His next competition is in Mississippi in mid-April.
So, how did Brian and Hoyt get together? Over a bike seat post, clamp and the perfect aerodynamic riding position. Let me tell you more.
On my way home from Safeway on my bike last night another cyclist (turned out to be Jackie) caught up with me. Is there a bike shop in Wickenburg he wanted to know? No. But maybe I can help? Yeah, my seat clamp is loose and the post slips and I can't keep the seat position right.
So I took the clamp off my Giant, gave it to Jackie, along with my contact info. "Send the seat post clamp back when you're finished training," I offered. "And best of luck in Mississippi!"