Thursday, November 1, 2012

Marriage Ammendment Sign Violence?

You probably know we have a Constitutional Amendment initiative on the ballot next week. MN voters will decide whether to change the state Constitution so as to restrict marriage to a hetero union (a "yes" vote),  or to leave the constitution as it is (a "no" vote).

Gazillions of dollars in TV ads have been duking it out every time you turn on the tube.

Yard signs proliferate -- and yard sign violence is on the rise.

As I was on my ride this afternoon I saw six or seven -- count the signs -- Vote No placards crumbled up, thrown over a railing on County Road 6, and into an adjacent ravine.  I was sure Vote Yes opponents were responsible: they'd yanked signs from local yards and destroyed competitive evidence.

This battle is super-heated. And it seems to be disrespectful of private property and free speech.  If this is indeed the case then it's a black eye for democracy. Citizens should be on high alert to prevent this violence from happening again.

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