Tuesday, May 14, 2013

MCAD Art Students Trick Out Bikes.

Some unknown (to me, that is) student (s)  of art and design have/has transformed the bikes in this picture from ordinary to extraordinary.

These velos are part of an impressive display of student work at MCAD -- Minneapolis College of Art and Design.

In addition to these two bikes, there's an elaborate presentation of watercolors and oils, original clothing, books, movies, cartoons and graphic arts.  Some of it is whimsical, some ready to go into production tomorrow.

And while I didn't meet the artists I get a sense that these young people mean business, and they're ready to show the world a thing or two.

MCAD is at Stevens Ave. btw 24th and 25th in Minneapolis.  Go check it out if you have the chance.  I promise you'll be glad you did.

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