Jeremy, Ty and Shannon celebrate their first full year in business at St. Paul's Workhorse Coffee Bar. Cheers to these spirited young entrepreneurs, and best wishes for many more years of creating community at Workhorse, and making the best iced latte in town!
And on the subject of spirited entrepreneurs, good pal Dan Cramer
is a founding member of 4th Street Guild -- a decades old, highly successful worker's cooperative of architects, furniture makers, lighting designers, and the occasional sculptor and metal craftsman. The shop is located now in North Minneapolis; you can see Dan here, raising the main door to let in glorious Spring sunshine. Or, is he, like a latter-day Atlas, just holding up the sky?
Dan and I popped in at the MoJo Coffee Gallery on California St. for a hearty breakfast and more good conversation. Each of us chose the daily special -- in this case the "La Bamba Bowl." Very tasty scrambled eggs, veggies, likely some tofu, salsa, not sure I remember the rest of the ingredients. The iced latte was special. On the way out I stopped to admire the handmade pottery items for sale, ended up buying a mini Indian-style bowl for Mother's Day giving.
Anyone recognize this head mannequin? He's sporting a MoJo ball cap and a pair of hand-made "Steampunk" goggles. I'd seen the word steampunk in print, had no clue what it meant. MoJo server Rick P. explained the term, suggested I buy a pair of the goggles -- only $125.00, plus tax. "Tomorrow's antiques, today," was the way Dan put it.

Have I written about my involvement with Forecast Public Art in St. Paul, and their superb bi-annual magazine, Public Art Review? I'm an ad sales consultant, handling a number of ad accounts myself, and working with Executive Director Jack Becker (he's also Publisher of "PAR") and his team. We just "closed" the Spring/Summer 2016 issue, and it's at the printers now. The cover of PAR 54 looks like this. The rest of the issue will be revealed to eager subscribers around the first of June. You will be pleased, astonished, greatly rewarded for picking up the magazine, learning, as I have, about the breadth, depth and diversity of Public Art wherever in the world it appears.