Monday, August 22, 2011

35-W Bridge Memorial Pays Tribute to Victims.

35-W Bridge collapse victims have been honored -- and today I pedaled by the understated new memorial overlooking the Missisippi River.  Names of the injured, like Mr. Flores, are engraved into granite blocks. A subtle stream of water falls gently over the blocks, highlighting the many names.

The deceased are honored by a series of translucent pillars. With the sun at my back the living are overshadowed by the dead.  Perhaps that's what the designers intended.

Gov. Dayton and Mayor Ryback opened the memorial with great respect and solemnity a couple of weeks ago.  In no time, and with heinous disrespect, integral parts of the memorial were vandalized.

Repair is underway. Vandals remain anonymous. Families of victims must have mixed feelings, at a minimum.

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