Friday, October 31, 2014

The Cove - Order Lobster Rolls from Here!

For years The Cove in Mystic, CT has served the most delicious lobster rolls along the Eastern Seaboard.  Locals and visitors alike concur:  none tastes better.  And your server in her window, will take your order and get it to you before you can say:  "How 'bout some extra mayo!"

The Cove changed hands last year. Before the 2014 summer season began, new owners applied coats of paint to every square inch of the restaurant.  Picnic tables (outside seating) were replaced with patio furniture and big umbrellas. Shade trees were pruned. Lawns were seeded and flower pots placed in strategically welcoming positions.

Next time you're on Route 1A between Mystic and Stonington, stop for a lobster roll (I think the place is open all year).  See if you don't agree that the taste is something to blog home about.

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