Sunday, July 31, 2011

1948 Buick: Hot, Rusty, Memorable.

My artist friend in Boulder, James Terman, is an inveterate old car illustrator, collector and philosopher. 

"I wonder which of the vehicles we lean up against today," muses James, "might end up being the rusty relics of our grandchildren's senior years?"

Seeing (and painting) some of these old hulks also makes Terman speculate that he might have crossed paths with this Detroit Iron in an earlier life.

"From the time my eyes could first notice cars and trucks, maybe I saw some of these rusting hulks in good condition somewhere, driving down the the road, or working a field?"

Terman wonders: 

"How many cars and trucks, buses and steam shovels might I have taken in .... as a little kid .... just standing on the back seat of our four-door .... leaning over the front .... as my old man drove our Pontiac sedan on family trips?"

James opened the floodgate for me!   Trips my family took ... in the Buick Century Station Wagon ... from our home in Ohio to places too many to remember them all. 

We hit Gettysburg in Pennsylvania, Niagara Falls in Upstate New York, Algonquin Provincial Park in Ontario, New England, Florida ... all the while pulling a little trailer from Sears, Roebuck + Co., painted silver and black to match the color scheme of the Buick.

Wonder where all those relics are today? And whether you, dear reader, had experiences of your own that mirrored James's and mine?

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