Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Forget Electric Assisted Bikes, all the rage. Bat Out of Hell Motorized Schwinn, Miami Version, does 40 mph on an 80 cc internal combustion engine. Brother Joe damned near hopped aboard and put 'er through her paces. He came to his senses at last.

Joe is a little too young to have ridden a Whizzer back in the day.  But I sure did. And pleaded with Mom and Dad, over and over, to, please, get me a Whizzer Schwinn rig.  No such luck, and probably just as well.

As far as I was concerned the Whizzer Schwinn era in my memory was over.  But then Bro Joe sends me this pic -- and brags on the 40 mph top end performance on an 80 cc engine. I asked him if he had the cojones to hop aboard and take 'er for a spin.

No way, Jose, he replied.  So we'll just imagine what might have been. And leave the driving to someone  little more adventurous than we are.

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