Friday, August 15, 2014

Battle of the Brews - Harvest Moon Co-op Style.

Beans and Brew were locked in competition when I went to Harvest Moon today.   

Staffer Katie told me to be sure to vote for my fave blend.  I did:  #2 and 4 (out of six brands) were in my dead heat.

Why the heck the brew-off?  Manager Garland explains his retail service strategy: " ...  it's listening to the consumer.  The customer has spoken."  And co-op members were taking the flavor test, voting their taste buds.

Of course there was time for a photo opp:  (from the left), new-hire Theo, usually on the register, but called to jump into the pic.

And Tim C., sales manager for "Hope Butter," out of Hope, MN, and at Harvest Moon to make a sales call.  Tim made me howl with laughter at this Minnesotan comment:   "At Hope we do it the old fashion way.  There's a 40-year old churn at the plant. Jay makes the butter and I sell the butter.  Then Jay makes MORE butter."  And Tim breaks into hysterics.

Katie is next in line, and to her left, Garland, Harvest Moon manager.

You've got to shop this place. Be sure to become a member, too: so much fun, so much activity, so many iteresting people, and a $20.00 gift card every time you spend $500.00.  What's not to like about our co-op??

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